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September 2021

The Clarendon Buy Tickets »

First race starts: 2:00 pm
Location: Les Landes Racecourse

The final bank holiday of the summer. Enjoy It!

The September Meeting Buy Tickets »

First race starts: 2:30 pm
Location: Les Landes Racecourse

A relaxing day in the September sunshine.

August 2021

The Jersey Derby Buy Tickets »

First race starts: 2:30 pm
Location: Les Landes Racecourse

The most prestigious race on the calendar, The CoinShares Jersey Derby is always an eventful occasion.

The Champion Hurdle Buy Tickets »

First race starts: 2:30 pm
Location: Les Landes Racecourse

Time for the hurdlers to entertain in the Champion Hurdle.

July 2021

The Jersey Bullet Buy Tickets »

First race starts: 2:30 pm
Location: Les Landes Racecourse

The speedsters in action in the Bullet.

The Jersey Guineas Buy Tickets »

First race starts: 6:30 pm
Location: Les Landes Racecourse

A great evening to socialise with friends and work colleagues.

June 2021

The Warwick Vase Buy Tickets »

First race starts: 6:30 pm
Location: Les Landes Racecourse

A much anticipated return of Horse Racing in Jersey after 22 months.

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