Honorary President:
Mrs E Roberts
Jim Cantle
Vice Chair:
Michele Hunter
Tom Holvey
Board Members:
Dexter Flynn, Myles Cummins, Melanie Le Cornu, Andy Ash, Gareth Colley
Club Officials:
Clerk of the Course: Glyn Mitchell – clerkofthecourse@jerseyraceclub.com
Secretary: Andy Cadoret – secretary@jerseyraceclub.com
Starter: Mattie Batchelor
Judges: Josephine Reed and Julia Quenault
Clerk of the Scales: Karen Dufty
Assistant Clerk of the Scales: Manny Oliveira
Medical Officers: Dr L Free, Dr G Robertson, Dr L Whitley
Technician: Peter Binfield
Commentator: Derek ‘Tommo’ Thompson
Announcer: Bob De La Haye
Parade Ring Stewards: Wally Garrett and Christine Holley